You will understand that becoming addiction free is just a byproduct of the constant invest in yourself, changing your personality and healing holistically etc.
Do you know that your environment has a big impact on you? (The average of the 5 people you spend the most time with). Connect with other Men who also want to heal and improve themselves! (Embracing healthy masculinity and also the feminine part).
Are you neglecting your own needs and feeling burnt out? This Workshop can help you prioritize self-care and develop a sustainable self-care routine that works for you.
Do you struggle with negative self-talk or limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential? This Workshop can help you identify and shift your limiting beliefs and develop a growth mindset. Perhaps just get a other view on "Situations", "Circumstances", "Yourself" etc.
Are you struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle or simply changing your habits? This Workshop can help you develop a sustainable new routine and healthy habits that stick.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and other uncomfortable feelings and struggling to manage it effectively?
My Workshop can help you develop coping strategies and build resilience to stress or better Ways to handle it.
Perhaps how to live more Intuitive (Connect more with Divine, divine knows better than ego what's good for us)
Coming out with perhaps more Clarity, what are your next steps and valuable realisations/ Learnings you can integrate in your life.
Or who knows what realisations and learnings you will have. I just know we have fun and grow together!
We silly humans stand often in our own way and love to overthink things.
So, show yourself some love and discover what you could discover for yourself in this interacting workshop.
I would love to see you there and in the end there are some Gifts and Special Offers!
Why listen to me? (I want to make it as short as possible)
I offer one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching and workshops. My areas of expertise include conquering addiction, self mastery, Self % Spiritual Development.
Contact me today to learn more about my services.
Sign up for my Newsletter (once a week, no spam) All about Self & Spiritual Development, expanding Consciousness etc. and sometimes I dive also deeper into specific topics like conquer addiction and depression. (I will let you know also over the Newsletter at what Date the Workshop will be.)
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